Detailed Weather
National Hurricane Center
Hurricane Alley
Wireless Weather

This is the TOTAL marine weather. Check out the conditions at local lights and bouys. I used to have a whole bunh of other links. But NOAA has done so much with their site, that I have removed several  links. It's like Prego.....It's in there!

In South Florida, weather = water.
These are the guys that control the water.It's their job to know.
Know what the MAN is thinking...or at least seeing.

The OFFICIAL info on tropical weather, check out the graphics archive for a time lapse picture of storms coming across!

The private sector's attempt at hurricane tracking. The original home of the spaghetti track...can't be beat! Love that spaghetti.

This ain't a pc link...it's for your phone or wireless. Just go to  www.srh.noaa.gov/mfl/wireless/index.wml to get the high quality NOAA  south Fl. weather products on the road or to www.nhc.noaa.gov/index.wml for hurricane info including maps
Excellent Tide Download
Monster Pilot Download
For you Pilot junkies, this is program incredible... the Yakmaster lives on his. As Carl Mauldin would say, "don't leave home without it.
The conditions are more important for Kayakers than for most boaters and outdoorsman. The wind is not always your friend and why does it always seem like you're paddling into the current? Here are some resources to help you minimize natures opression of your trip.
Good detailed Tides, calculates variations given above.
Localized Tides
Yakmaster's favorite for his PC download it you'll love it.
Still looking for more to add. Let me know any ideas
Even Better  Tides
Google Maps based Tide maps with very friendly interface and dense coverage!
Water Level Monitors
Not going into Tidal Waters? So what's the water level where you plan on going?